Oriental Jewelry and Accessories
On the right side to the front of the market, you will find our section for oriental jewelry and accessories. Here we offer you different sets of hand-made Arabic bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings and other types of beauty accessories. All our items are made in Syria and neighboring countries by traditional jewelers, using only the best kinds of stones and materials to give each piece a unique look and personality. Explore and try on the many different items on offer, stored within the authentic oriental cases and boxes.
Mosaic and Arabesque
Mozaik and arabesque boxes are an integral part of the arabic way of life. They are made in three steps: cutting and building the boxes from wood, inserting the fabric and then finally, engraving them in a unique way. The third step requires long concentrated work, as each engraving is different and made by hand with a small needle. In every box, you will find parts of mussels from the Arabian sea incorporated. With their shimmer and shine they give each box the final touch. Traditionally, gold, ornaments, jewelry and presents were stored in these boxes – but you can use them for whatever holds value to you or gift them to your close ones instead of wrapping your presents with paper.
Copperware, Antiques and Collectibles
Arabic copperware is made in a traditional hand-made process, with the decorating and engraving being an essential part of it. Nowadays the copperware is mostly used for decoration or special occasions, but some people still use them daily and many argue that copper can have benefits over the materials used nowadays. In our store, you can find real hand-made copperware to serve arabic coffee in the way it is supposed to be served.
Middle Eastern Spices and Herbs
Feel like an old Syrian vendor or market visitor when stepping inside our small spice house within the store! Here you can try unique Arabic spices, with some of them not even available or known in the Western regions. All spices, teas and herbs of this area are brought in from selected Syrian vendors so you can enhance your own kitchen and cooking with authentic Syrian flair. For us Syrians, cuisine, cooking and sharing a meal with friends, family and strangers alike is a central part of our culture and heritage. We are always very glad to guide you to a lovely combination recommended personally to your interests and taste.
Nuts and Seeds
In the central part of our store you will find several types of pre-heated nuts and seeds served for you to try out and find your own favorites. Nuts were one of the biggest trade sections in Aleppo. For instance, nowadays “pistachio” was known in the ancient world as Aleppo Pistache and they still use this description in the current time all over the middle eastern area. Aleppo Pistache, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, and hazelnuts were all planted and then roasted in the Syrian area of the middle east, with Aleppo having one of the earliest roasteries in history.
Syrian Traditional Delights
For the love of oneself it is always central to treat yourself to sweetness in life. Traditional Syrian delights are made exactly for these occasions. The richness of different types of chocolate, the heartyness of nuts and seeds, the sweet spice of honey, the energy of sugar and refreshing fruit result in several treats and delights made not only for the taste and flavor, but also for the soul. All of our delights and sweets on offer are imported from Arabic regions and made from real oriental instructions and recipes.
Outdoor Cafe Terrace
- Aleppo Market Storefront showing many products. Tables and Chairs in the Terrace Area at Aleppo Market in Berlin
- Aleppo Market Storefront showing many products. Tables and Chairs in the Terrace Area at Aleppo Market in Berlin
- Aleppo Market Storefront showing many products. Tables and Chairs in the Terrace Area at Aleppo Market in Berlin
- Aleppo Market Storefront showing many products. Tables and Chairs in the Terrace Area at Aleppo Market in Berlin
- Aleppo Market Storefront showing many products. Tables and Chairs in the Terrace Area at Aleppo Market in Berlin
- Aleppo Market Storefront showing many products. Tables and Chairs in the Terrace Area at Aleppo Market in Berlin
Our understanding of Aleppo Market goes beyond being a simple store – we offer you the chance to sit down in our outside area together with guests, friends and family. Just like in the Aleppo Souk markets in former times, we want to connect to other people around their shopping experience. When sitting outside, you can try out our famous arabic coffee or a selection of teas. Also, make sure to enjoy the traditional Syrian and Arabic breakfast cuisine when coming in the early day. We offer a selection of cultural dishes and will gladly serve you a rich and inviting meal at one of our tables in the outside area in front of the store.
Aleppo Market Story
I came to Berlin from the ancient neighbourhoods of Aleppo, carrying in my heart the spectrum of my charming city, and the dream of sharing the generosity, humanity and tenderness of Aleppo with all people. Now, thanks to love and team work, my family and I are achieving the dream together.